Wild and Free
In this scripture from John (click above to read it), Jesus tells us he is truth and he is freedom. These two words about following Jesus can open up whole new worlds of what we understand being followers of Jesus to be. We are connected to truth and we are free. Free for living and loving. This is good news and it is difficult news. Sometimes freedom makes life harder to navigate, however, in the end it makes spiritual connection even more possible.
This passaged reminded me of a book I just finished reading: Wild Woman: A Footnote, the Desert, and My Quest for An Elusive Saint by Amy Frykholm. The memoir is about the search for signs of Mary of Egypt, a woman of self described sin who has an encounter with God and makes her way into the desert to be an amma– a desert mother of wilderness faith. Her freedom was wild, literally, as she found herself in the desert wilderness. She lived solely on what God provided and become an adored spiritual guru to the local community. She came to know God in a way that I doubt I ever will, and yet, her freedom from the world is an inspiration and hope-how can we live as followers of Jesus who are freed in the truth? What does that look today?
The author came upon this obscure story in a footnote while doing research on another topic and that footnote sent her on a quest of her own. This story of three women, two living today and one from ancient times, wrapped itself in a wild and free way that lit up the idea that Jesus brings to the gospel text. Being wild and free can look so many different ways and isn’t that the point of the Holy Spirit? That we each are unique and beloved and that the truth of freedom is that we are changed and made new each day in different ways. The story of this woman also reminds us that there are so many stories of women that we may not know or ever find AND yet, their stories still shaped how we know God as we know her today.
May your days be filled with Wild Freedom that catches you up into the Spirit.
Pastor Leta