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Serve in Worship


Serving in worship is a wonderful opportunity to welcome new people and connect with familiar faces. It is also a great way to serve as a family. Email the office to be on the sign up list –

Or sign up on our volunteer page, the place to look for all of OSLC’s ministry opportunities.

You can sign up for any of the spots below at this link!


Arrive 20 minutes before the worship service. Collect the offering and help usher people to communion. Check in with the pastors for anyone who cannot come forward for communion. Count the number of people and record it on the sheet on the ushers’ table in the Narthex.

Sign up here!


Come 20 minutes before worship and welcome people as they enter the front doors with a smile and a handshake

Worship Assistants

Assist the pastors in worship by reading, assisting in the prayers of the people and distributing communion.

Sign up here!

Audio / Visual

We are looking to train more people to help with the sound and visual on Sunday mornings and for other special events or services. The more people who know how, the better it will be! Contact Gus Brockmann to find out more (

Sign up here!


Acolyting is a part of our Middle School Youth ministry. For more details contact Pastor Leta Behrens.

Sign up here!

Coffee Hosts

We need people to come and make the coffee and clean up after! Set up is simple and training is available.

Donut Hosts

We need people to bring in 3 dozen donuts from your choice of location.

Altar Flowers

The altar flower sign up board is back in the Narthex. We would love for  you to sign up to bring some beauty into our worship services (instructions are located at the sign up board).

Sign up here!