Our Saviour’s helps to support Habitat for Humanity as this organization builds safe, secure, and affordable homes in our community. Habitat’s mission is putting God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities, and hope. We assist Habitat in this mission by volunteering to: 1) help with home construction, 2) serve lunch to construction volunteers, 3) sell goods at Habitat’s ReStore, 4) provide leadership on youth projects, 5) help with fundraising for future faith-build homes, and 6) join volunteer efforts to help families in other countries through Habitat’s Global Village.
Many of these volunteer activities are shared efforts with the three other ELCA Lutheran churches in Ft. Collins, along with two partner churches, in the formation of FOCOLU-Habitat Faith Builders. Through our FOCOLU partnership, OSLC volunteers can help build Habitat homes one day each month for about 10 months of the year.
Update as of 5/22/24
- Status of Crystal’s home: Foundation excavation for Crystal and Neal’s home has been dug in the Mosaic neighborhood (near Timberline and Vine). Foundation concrete will be poured soon, and their home will be transferred from the build site at PVH to the Mosaic site later in the summer. Now that school is out, Crystal has been working actively on new houses underway in Harmony Cottages to earn her 200 sweat equity hours required for Habitat home ownership.
- Habitat Application Process is Open: Habitat’s Homebuyer Applications are now available from May 15 – June 12. You can access information about the application process, charts to see if an applicant qualifies, and much more information at the following link – Click here for homebuyer information and application. Please share this information with anyone you know who might be interested in owning an affordable home in Fort Collins. Final selection will be made by a committee who will make their selections from the pool of this year’s applicants. It would be wonderful to have someone connected with OSLC selected as a future Habitat homebuyer.
- Next FOCOLU Build Day: Our last FOCOLU Build Day until fall will be Saturday, June 15. Unlike the wet snow we experienced on our last build day in April, the weather is expected to be perfect for construction on June 15. We planned our build day to coincide with Father’s Day weekend, so this would be an excellent opportunity for the family to share in the experience of giving back to the community. A delicious lunch will be served by the worksite culinary crew from Spirit of Joy. Please let me know, as soon as possible, if you are interested in volunteering on June 15.
- Specials at Habitat’s ReStore: Planter Boxes, built by youth from the Foothills Unitarian Church, are currently on sale at the ReStore. Please consider these boxes as you get ready to plant your garden this year. While you are at the ReStore, be sure to stop in and check out the new Boutique Shop, which has lots of specialty items to help make your home blossom!
- OSLC Habitat Fundraiser this December? Unfortunately, due to some unexpected health issues, I will not be able to coordinate a Habitat Fundraiser (e.g., bird houses, ornaments, crafts, and much more) this December. This was so much fun for a very worthwhile cause. Also, I really enjoyed the chance to get to know the amazing and quite talented artists at Our Saviour’s who have helped making a fundraiser so simple and successful. If you would like to volunteer to organize a Habitat fundraiser for this December, please let me know. I will gladly help you get started in finding planners, technical assistants, and artistic contributors.
Update as of 5/2/24
Greetings OSLC Habitat Supporters and Volunteers,
Thank you for volunteering. The Habitat homes we help to build in our community are only affordable because of the many volunteer hours contributed towards their construction. April has been National Volunteers Month and, before April ends, I would like you to know that in 2023 Fort Collins Habitat had over 750 volunteers contributing more than 11,000 hours towards the mission of creating safe and secure places for people to live. Our Saviour’s is part of this impressive statistic! I am often asked what it is like building at Harmony Cottages or helping at the ReStore. Fort Collins Habitat has put together a brief video to show you: Click on Tribute to FC Habitat Volunteers. Please check out this brief informative video.
FOCOLU Build Day. Saturday, April 20, was our first FOCOLU Faith Build Day for 2024. While we had a full crew originally, an unexpected snowstorm limited activities and led to a reduced number of volunteer numbers. To meet our stellar and fun-loving FOCOLU build day crew, please click on the link: FOCOLU Volunteers on April 20. OSLC volunteers shown in these photos include Alan Oetting, a regular volunteer, and first timers, Jordan Dunn and Jackson Alder. When you see them on Sunday morning, please thank Alan, Jordan, and Jackson for their tremendous effort, especially under such challenging build site conditions.
Fundraising updates. For the past few years, Fort Collins Habitat has built one Faith Build home each year supported by contributions from local faith organizations. This year the goal is to build two homes. Helping to anchor funding for these homes are First United Methodist Church ($50,000) and Redeemer Lutheran Church ($25,000). However, it takes $100k to initiate the construction of each home, bringing the fundraising goal to $200,000. The remaining $125k is dependent on the generosity of faith-minded individuals and that of other churches in our community. The recent Faith Builder’s luncheon, catered by Austin’s American Grill, was a kickoff to raising additional funds for Marshelle’s home of and the one for Luis and Elida. To see photos of this fun event and see the families we are working to support, please click on this link: Faith Builder’s Luncheon for 2024. Marshelle is shown in photo no. 9 and Luis and Elida, along with their daughter, are shown in photo no. 10. Each gave a presentation about their journey to home ownership and what it means to them. The luncheon was successful in raising an additional $27,000 towards these two faith build homes.
What’s a dragonfly got to do with this? At the Faith Builder’s luncheon, each attendee received a glass (see luncheon photo no. 4), courtesy of Odell Brewing, with an artist’s beautiful rendering of a dragonfly, which is the symbol of Harmony Cottages and is also shown on the sign as you enter the build site. This colorful dragonfly design was created by the same architect who designed the homes being constructed in Harmony Cottages. Why dragonflies? Well, at the groundbreaking ceremony for Harmony Cottages, an unusually large number of dragonflies swooped about as we began our symbolic digging and turning over the soil. Dragonflies are a perfect representation for Habitat because these creatures spend their early life underwater trying to survive, escaping life’s pitfalls. Then, as dragonflies mature, they transition to a new opportunity to rise above their earlier situation and soar to new heights. This is what affordable home ownership can mean to a family. Thank you for your help in making this possible.
As Fort Collins Habitat’s 2024 season of building affordable homes gets underway, I wanted to thank you for your tremendous support last year. Our December Christmas Ornaments, Decorations, and Gift Basket fundraiser made nearly $4,000 for new Common Ground Faith Build homes. In addition to helping Crystal and Neal with their home, we are now helping two new Faith Build families with affordable home ownership. To do this, we will need lots of help and, if you can join me in this important cause, there are many ways you can support these families with initial costs and related steps towards home ownership. Volunteers from Our Saviour’s are needed to help with some special activities:
- Lemonade Stand – middle school age youth – this summer. Volunteer youth and parents needed.
- Youth Project – holiday items to be sold at the ReStore. Volunteer craft specialists are needed in a wide range of skill areas (e.g., woodworking, pottery, fabric arts, painting, and more).
- ReStore Volunteer – provide a few hours of assistance in areas needed.
Please let me know if you would like to volunteer to help in one or more of the above areas and activities.
To learn more about Habitat, or to volunteer in making a difference in our community, please email Jerry Freier (freierreed@msn.com).