Our Saviour’s helps to support Habitat for Humanity as this organization builds safe, secure, and affordable homes in our community. Habitat’s mission is putting God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities, and hope. We assist Habitat in this mission by volunteering to: 1) help with home construction, 2) serve lunch to construction volunteers, 3) sell goods at Habitat’s ReStore, 4) provide leadership on youth projects, 5) help with fundraising for future faith-build homes, and 6) join volunteer efforts to help families in other countries through Habitat’s Global Village.
Many of these volunteer activities are shared efforts with the three other ELCA Lutheran churches in Ft. Collins, along with two partner churches, in the formation of FOCOLU-Habitat Faith Builders. Through our FOCOLU partnership, OSLC volunteers can help build Habitat homes one day each month for about 10 months of the year.
Updated 11/14/2024
For this November update, I would like to give a special thanks to everyone who helped to make FOCOLU’s first ever Fall Pumpkin and Spice Stand a rousing success. I have attached a couple of photos of the event, which raised nearly $400 for future Habitat Faith Build homes. The families of OSLC’s Shannon Wagner and Mandy Fogo were especially instrumental in leading this new fundraising initiative.
November Update on Habitat and FOCOLU Faith Builders:
- Urgent! Six or more volunteers are needed for FOCOLU’s last build day of 2024, which is on Saturday, November 23. Our volunteer recruiter at Spirit of Joy has left this church and other FOCOLU partner churches are having difficulty recruiting this month. Building an affordable home for a family in need of a safe and secure place to live is a wonderful way to give back the community we appreciate and want to support. Also, volunteering (no experience needed) is a great way to share this meaningful opportunity with family and friends just before Thanksgiving. We really need your help on November 23rd, and if you can lend a hand, please let me know as soon as possible.
- Wall Raisings for Marshelle and Luis and Elida’s future homes. Successful fundraising by several churches, including OSLC, has made it possible to begin work on the new homes of Marshelle and Luis and Elida. Their new homes are located in Harmony Cottages.
- Home Dedication. Last December we held a Christmas Decoration fundraiser at OSLC for Crystal and her son Neal’s new home. Crystal, as a math teacher, chose to have her home constructed by math students (Geometry in Construction) at Poudre High School and her new home is now located at Mosaic Homes in East Fort Collins. The home has been completed and a dedication ceremony is now planned for December 3 at 5:00 pm. Please let me know if you would like to attend and I will send you more details.
- Gingerbread House Building Competition. On December 4 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm an Interfaith Youth Gingerbread House Building Competition will be held at First Presbyterian Church. We would like to have OSLC’s youth participate in this event, because we know that our youth are exceptionally talented in art and engineering, plus gingerbread is their favorite medium. If you know of youth who would like to join in the fun of this fundraising event, please let me know.
- Habitat Home Office has moved. A few months ago, Fort Collins Habitat moved from their Palm Drive office location to Old Town (131 Lincoln Ave., Suite 200). In keeping with Habitat’s mission, the former office property was sold to Elevation Community Land Trust who is currently remodeling the old office space into a duplex that will be sold as affordable housing to two families.
As Fort Collins Habitat’s 2024 season of building affordable homes gets underway, I wanted to thank you for your tremendous support last year. Our December Christmas Ornaments, Decorations, and Gift Basket fundraiser made nearly $4,000 for new Common Ground Faith Build homes. In addition to helping Crystal and Neal with their home, we are now helping two new Faith Build families with affordable home ownership. To do this, we will need lots of help and, if you can join me in this important cause, there are many ways you can support these families with initial costs and related steps towards home ownership. Volunteers from Our Saviour’s are needed to help with some special activities:
- Lemonade Stand – middle school age youth – this summer. Volunteer youth and parents needed.
- Youth Project – holiday items to be sold at the ReStore. Volunteer craft specialists are needed in a wide range of skill areas (e.g., woodworking, pottery, fabric arts, painting, and more).
- ReStore Volunteer – provide a few hours of assistance in areas needed.
Please let me know if you would like to volunteer to help in one or more of the above areas and activities.
To learn more about Habitat, or to volunteer in making a difference in our community, please email Jerry Freier (freierreed@msn.com).