Faith & Justice Team – A Call to Advocacy
About Us
Advocacy means “to speak or plead on behalf of another.” Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church understands that hands-on help for people living in poverty, the vulnerable, and the oppressed, whether around the corner or around the world, is incomplete when we don’t question why those conditions exist. What government policies need to change? Do we need to speak truth to power as a way to love our neighbor and to do justice in society?
Faith & Justice Team sponsors adult forums to educate about current events and issues in our society where our faith may be calling us to seek understanding and then provides ways that we can speak out and ask those in positions of power to make needed changes.
Currently, the team leader is Beth DeHaven. Contact her at bethadehaven@gmail.com to join the team or to find out other ways to get involved with advocacy work at OSLC
Recommended Books from Faith & Justice
The reading list has been updated with a few more titles to curl up with under a cozy blanket! All suggested books have been read and recommended by members of OSLC.
Faith-Justice-Book-Club-Suggestion-List-2023-1-1Resources from Vance Blackfox
Listed HERE are resources that Vance Blackfox suggested when he presented his two-day workshop last year. There are a variety of resources for your perusal.