So many people quietly volunteer talents unnoticed behind the scenes, not getting the attention or gratitude that is deserved. Please know a diversity of gifts and talents makes a difference, helps us grow and and makes an impact.
Kendra Inspiring Seniors to Sing (KISS) program
Kendra Inspiring Seniors to Sing started eight years ago with Kendra Hanson giving a music program at Brookdale Assisted Living in Fort Collins at the urging of Jim Willard, a resident of that community. The program was so well received that Kendra started calling other facilities to see if they were interested in an interactive music program where everyone sang songs and played percussion instruments while Kendra accompanied them on the piano, sang with the group, and also wrote up the words to the songs and put them in a packet for the residents to use. Kendra also started finding homes for pianos that were not wanted anymore, putting the pianos in senior living facilities for residents and other performers to use.
Six years ago, KISS turned into an outreach nonprofit ministry program through OSLC. Kendra accepts donations from the facilities but does not ask for a set fee. KISS serves assisted living, memory care, an Alzheimer unit, and rehab units. Residents sing songs from the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s, Broadway musical songs, hymns, folk songs, and old country. To date, KISS has also found homes for 18 pianos.
KISS has now turned into an interactive music program that serves 13 residential senior communities and uses volunteers to help with the programs. Janet Anderson has been an integral part of the volunteer program and helps with over half the programs every month. Thank you, Janet, for the hours you have dedicated to KISS and all the senior living communities.

Outside Our Walls Stewardship
Why were you drawn to this Ministry:
Ruth Brown: This is my favorite committee to be a part of. I see this as an important mission of the
church and it is so uplifting to see what we do, what were capable of and it’s exciting to see the
generous response from the congregation.
Susan Schneider: OOW is a major reason Dave, and I joined this church family. We saw the commitment
OOW has for being in the community. We are really living out the call Christ has for us.
Dave Leininger: It is a privilege to be that vehicle for everyone’s generosity.
Why would you suggest this Ministry:
Ruth Brown: Over the years, I have seen people join this ministry and they have continued serving for a
long time. This is a ministry, that makes you feel good and so you’re willing to continue with it.
What are some of the challenges you face:
Beth Dehaven: There are so many needs in the world and so many things come up at once. But we have
such a generous congregation, and it always comes together.
How much time does this Ministry take:
Sharon Petersen: Well, we keep the meetings to 1hr a month. We also rotate the leader of the meeting
each month as well. Each person leads a different project, and we work well as a team to assist each
other with their project.

Stewardship and the OSLC Building Team
The OSLC building team uses their talents to help maintain the church property. I asked a couple of team members questions about their involvement and what drew them to help in this way. Most of the team members have past experience in maintaining properties in some way. Even those that don’t are able to use basic maintenance skills to help out. The time that each member spends varies based on what project they are working on. Cleaning gutters, trimming bushes, painting, watering trees, and fixing faucets are among the many activities that were mentioned. Members expressed a need for additional help from members with specific talents. Plumbing, electrical, carpentry, and landscaping were specifically mentioned. I asked about a specific project that is memorable for the team. One really stood out. “For years the church had been paying to service all HVAC units twice a year at a cost of over $5500. We changed the service period to once a year per unit. Filter changes are done three other times a year by a volunteer. This will save the church $24,000 every ten-year period.”
If you have a talent that you think can contribute to the church in any way, please reach out to any of your council members or pastors.
-Ryan White, Property Team Council Liaison
Lynda Lloyd made many of the banners for our church, and stoles for pastors and we are so grateful! The ones she has made are:
- The rainbow calico banner and altar cloth (also chosen to be used at the Rocky Mountain Synod assembly.)
- The “Allelujiah” Easter banners (see photo)
- Butterfly and flower, Joshua trees, and many more pastoral stoles.
- and probably the most notable: the dark green banner and altar paraments of wheat and wine displayed most of the year.
When asked what inspired her to start sewing the paraments, she said in the mid 1990’s when the present sanctuary was built, members had purchased all the colored paraments except green, Lynda was kneeling at communion and looked at the banner and thought, “I can do that.” So she did! She brought in dark green wool samples to match the seat and kneeling cushions and created the wine/wheat pattern. It was not an easy task to sew the heavy wool on her $119 sewing machine (especially the grapes.) Leftover fabric was used for the 2 pastors’ stoles (and 2 more pastors after that.)
Her answer to, “What are your rewards?” “I get great pleasure seeing them used.”
Thank you Lynda for your creative talents used to bless worship in so many seasons!