The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.
Dalai Lama
The spiritual practice of gratitude is one way of practicing our connections with the Holy Spirit. The Dalai Lama and the apostle Paul have in common the encouragement to live in a way that roots us in goodness and gratefulness. This is not about putting on rose colored glasses or not seeing the real and the difficult of life. It is about grounding ourselves in the larger truths around us and giving our minds the training and the space to engage daily in that which is simple and good in our lives. To practice gratitude helps us to remember to really see those around us and to see ourselves in the way that God has made us, in God’s image, created as a part of the beauty of the earth.
This spiritual practice, along with others, also can reduce stress, help us see ourselves in more positive light and even help us sleep. (
This week we will embark on a journey of practicing gratitude.
Each day we will share a different scriptural gratitude and other quotes and writings as a way of reflection. We may prompt you in your gratitude or just ask that you spend time thinking of your day and the gratefulness in it. For your part, find a notebook, a computer file, a calendar, a chalkboard, post it notes or whatever you have on hand and commit to writing down 5 gratitudes a day.