Mandy Fogo
Mandy works part time during church hours; M-Th 9:00am-3:00pm.
She works with the staff, pastors, and congregation in planning & promoting church wide events, including VBS, Women’s Retreats, Kids’ Club and our annual Wine & Wreath night. Her help is invaluable in making funeral bulletins, the annual report and other church documents and materials, including our new OSLC gear! She helps groups advertise events through use of announcement slides, posters and Facebook posts. Her skills are on hand each week in your inbox with the creation of the Enews. Mandy works with Karyn and the pastoral staff to decorate the church for each sermon preaching theme. (or season.) She has mad Cricut skills that allow us to decorate for any event and is the fabulous cook for the Kids’ Club on Wednesday nights. Mandy is the staff person most likely to be at a softball game or tennis match cheering on her girls.