Questions are a part of faith! Remember that doubt is not the opposite faith, doubt is a part of our journey, our wonderings, our being bound together in humanity and in our soul’s searching for the knowing of God. This week we will embark on asking questions and letting them be just that, questions that don’t have to be answered, at least not in the immediate.
Karoline Lewis, who is a pastor and professor at Luther Seminary wrote this about Thomas’ story of question in John:
It seems you found the way, Thomas, but really, you knew it all along.
You knew the way was not a roadmap.
You knew the way was not a claim meant to exclude others.
You knew the way was not that which you could use to reject others.
Instead you knew the way was being in the presence of your Lord and God — and that’s all you wanted. You wanted what Jesus said you know. You asked for what Jesus said you should. You needed what Jesus said is yours — always.
And in that moment you saw Jesus as your Lord and as your God. Wow. Thank you, Thomas, for your courage to ask.
From—Karoline Lewis. “The Courage to Ask.” Published on Working Preacher. April 5, 2015. http://www.