Our community provides a variety of homeless services and OSLC supports many of these services. Catholic Charities provides EMERGENCY shelter for singles and families, and The Fort Collins Rescue Mission provides EMERGENCY shelter for single men. The Murphy Center, managed by Homeward Alliance, is not a shelter, but is our community’s largest homeless resource/referral center.
The Faith Family Hospitality/Overnight Program is the only program providing FAMILIES with emergency shelter, while also providing intense case management, individualized help with referrals/resources, and focuses on the ultimate goal of attaining and maintaining permanent housing. The Overnight Program (FFH) is the foundational program of Family Housing Network (FHN), and not only affords families safety and security at rotating faith sites, but also unifies the greater Fort Collins Community by serving families experiencing homelessness across lines of religion, social status, gender and race. Families can stay for 60-90 days on average. In 2023, Family Housing Network helped 119 families, with an 86% success rate of placement into permanent housing, and 100% success rate at retaining these families into permanent housing.
OSLC will begin 2 weeks of hosting starting November 5th. All volunteer positions are open and we could use your help with set-up/tear-down, evening hosting, dinner preparing, overnight hosting, or even cleaning! Please use THIS LINK to help make a difference for four families experiencing homelessness: