Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land
Please join us for a gathering and presentation from Palestinian Lutherans (details about them below)
* March 30th at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Fort Collins, CO
* Pastor Gabi Aelabouni preaching at 8:30am and 10:30am
* Meet and Greet with ELCJHL 9:30am
* Lunch and Presentation at 11:30am-1:00pm
RSVP Link: https://signup.com/go/VyXahdA
This is event is hosted by Our Saviour’s and Trinity Lutheran, Fort Collins, CO
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land is a direct partner of the ELCA, who operates in occupied East Jerusalem, the occupied West Bank, and Jordan. One of their commitments to their Lutheran faith is to answer our call to be stewards of the land. Their Environmental Education Center (EEC) in Beit Jala, Palestine, hosts a diverse array of educational workshops, activities, field trips, and school visits to educate Palestinian youth about the agricultural tradition, environmental justice, indigenous practices of the land, and the detrimental environmental effects of the ongoing Israeli occupation. Mr. Simon Awad, Executive Director of the EEC, will be visiting the Rocky Mountain Synod from March 28th through the 31st, where he and two young adults from the ELCJHL will present about their work at the EEC, and the Palestinian Christian experience in relation to indigenous land rights and environmental justice. Come see this amazing group speak March 29th in the Denver area, March 30th at Our Saviour’s Fort Collins, and Trinity Lutheran Church in Boulder Colorado at 6pm.