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Building Program

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Building Program

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Building Blog


Frequently Asked Questions

• Why are we choosing to embark on a building program?

o The reason for our building expansion and upgrade is best stated on page 1 of “Generations Building and Serving Community in God’s Love”  and the need is stated on page 2. An excerpt from that brochure: “We undertook this vision of a building expansion and renovation, centered in who we already are and in the mission we wish to continue in the future. Through several forums, listening sessions, surveys and the coming together of multiple leaders and generations, we came to know our goals and desires for how our building can be enhanced. This vision opens up space more effectively to meet the goals of welcoming and serving the community. This plan for renovation and addition of space helps us to meet these goals together by creating flexible fresh spaces as a way to serve our community more effectively and efficiently.”

• What process has the building committee been following?

o The process began over three years ago in 2014 with some visioning exercises about the future of our various ministries. This was followed by a facilities needs assessment during which the congregation was surveyed and all small group ministries were interviewed for their facilities needs and aspirations. Next a conceptual design phase was undertaken. Four architectural firms submitted their qualifications and portfolios, and Cunningham Group Architecture was selected. With the facilities needs assessment data, Cunningham produced several alternative conceptual designs, which were reviewed in open sessions with the congregation. A conceptual design was chosen, and optional phases were identified. In 2016 the Capital Campaign was initiated and donations were pledged, along with a limited borrowing plan. In the first half of 2017, a Request For Qualifications (RFQ) was created, describing the scope of the intended construction project. General Contractors were invited to respond to the RFP and submit their qualifications and proposals for a design/build process. Two contractors were interviewed and their qualifications evaluated by the building committee. Hillside Construction was selected using a Best Value criteria and is proceeding with the design and construction. The Design/Build process is being followed with the goal to optimize and coordinate the design and construction process.

• Why was Hillside selected?

o Hillside Construction presented their strong qualifications and track record for delivering exceptional quality construction in projects of similar size and complexity to ours. In the building committee’s judgment, Hillside’s ability to work flexibly and collaboratively with open communication was a differentiator. Hillside’s owner, Sean Rogers, is a member of OSLC, and contributed countless hours of expert pro bono work to provide preliminary cost estimates that helped ground the Capital Campaign. The building committee and church council have the highest regard and confidence in Hillside to deliver a high quality result on budget.

• Who is the architect and other key vendors?

o Hauser Architects of Loveland is doing the architectural design.

• What will the building look like when construction is done? What will be different?

o The floor plan for the upgraded building can be found at this link.
o The site plan or landscape plan can be found at this link.
o The external elevation drawings can be found at this link.

• Will the sanctuary be expanded?

o No, not at this time. Although, improvements are planned to more flexibly and openly connect the expanded narthex to the sanctuary to accommodate overflow crowds.

• What are the major steps and sequence of the project, and when will they happen?

o With the signing of the contract with Hillside Construction in June 2017, the design process was begun. This leads to a submission, review, and finalization of a Minor Amendment with the City. The Minor Amendment process will begin in the 3rd quarter of 2017, and be finalized in the 4th quarter.
o The building permit drawings and detailed design and construction documents will be started in the 3rd quarter and are planned to be finalized before the end of the year, leading to approval to start the project construction anticipated just before the end of the year.
o Construction activities will hopefully begin just before the end of the year. Construction is expected to take approximately 9 months.

• How are we going to pay for this building expansion?

o The building construction will be paid with the donations that have been promised by the 3-year pledges that congregation members made, combined with borrowing as authorized at the last annual meeting, not to exceed our past mortgage payment.

• How are we protecting ourselves from cost overruns?

o The contract specifies a Guaranteed Maximum Price, and a transparent open book accounting of all project costs. The Guaranteed Maximum Price will not be exceeded unless the contract is amended to authorize additional spending.

• Will the whole project be built for the Guaranteed Maximum Price?

o When the detailed design and construction drawings are complete, then a more exact cost estimate will be known. If necessary, Change Requests will be done to limit the scope of the project to stay within the Guaranteed Maximum Price limit.

• Who is on the Building Committee?

o The Building Committee currently consists of Larry Roesner, chair and owners rep, Pastor Leta Behrens, Bill Brown, Bob Bury, Shelly Carroll, Jim Gjerde, Fred Haberecht, Shelly Kalkowski Ling, Christine Marston, Ken Roper, Roger Sherman, Pastor Michael Stadtmueller

Please direct any questions or concerns to a member of the Building Committee.  Please do not contact or bring any concerns or questions to our general contractor Sean Rogers of Hillside Construction, who is also a church member.  We would like Sean to be able to worship with us and be with us at church without being in the role of our general contractor.


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